Hi Stephen:
The fontpath is:
And the output of xlsfonts is:
I suspect that the window resizing is the result of the startup geometry
being insufficiently large and an overcompensating resize, since when
the font size is 12 or 13, the problem does not occur. But i have no
clue as to what is deciding that the geometry is insufficiently large.
Adding the -geometry parm does not resolve the problem, however,
regardless of the geometry specification.
Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>>>>>"John" == John
<wguy4biz(a)comcast.net> writes:
John> It turns out that the problem was with the custom.el and the
John> line: (custom-set-faces '(default ((t (:size "14pt" :family
John> "Courier"))) t))
That is very strange. Courier should be constant-width. I can
imagine this happening with a proportional-width font (I've seen the
opposite happen with early versions of Xft-enabled XEmacs).
What does
xset q | grep -A 1 -i 'font.*path'
xlsfonts '-*-Courier-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1'
tell you about your font path and the courier fonts available?