Adrian Aichner writes:
>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff Mincy
<jmincy(a)> writes:
Jeff> Steve Youngs writes:
Jeff> |--==> "JM" == Jeff Mincy <jmincy(a)>
JM> A have a fair amount of trouble downloading the prereleases.
Jeff> Is it just the packages in 'Pre-Releases' or do you have the
Jeff> trouble with any package?
Jeff> Pre-releases are only available from
Jeff> I have trouble downloading packages in general from
Jeff> I'm likely to get some sort of ftp error (200 people limit?)
I wasn't so much complaining about, just that
using seems to be a reliable way to cause problems.
Ummm, ok you got me, I wish was bigger....
Jeff> from It appears that when an ftp error occurs the
Jeff> package downloader hangs until I do ^G, then I have to answer
Jeff> some y-or-n question about the *ftp* process, and then a warning
Jeff> that the ftp can't be killed.
Jeff> I suspect that the problem is that ms windows doesn't support kill
Jeff> and efs is trying to kill the ftp.
Jeff> Downloading multiple packages at once increase the odds that
Jeff> this problem occurs. I was eventually able to download the pre
Jeff> release packages singly.
Do you have Gnus fetching mail periodically?
Umm, not that I know of. I wasn't reading gnus at the time.
I'm pretty sure that I hadn't started up a gnus. But you never know..
I haven't done much of anything to gnus, other than setting gnus-select-method.
I found this to be interfering with package downloads, but haven't
diagnosed it beyond circumstantial evidence.
Jeff> Note that the package downloader did not work at all until
Jeff> I made the following change:
Jeff> (setq efs-tmp-name-template "c:/TEMP/efs") ;; was
Jeff> efs was passing c:\windows\TEMP/efsxxxx to ftp which then complained
Jeff> about c:windowsTEMP/efsxxxx not existing.
I just realized that the '/' came from me changing
directory-sep-char. If I hadn't done that then the
package download would have created c:windowsTEMPefsxxxx
and would have probably 'worked', if only by accident.