On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 17:28 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
We've had two full-blown trackers, first gnats and then
Both were simply black holes for problem reports.
I've also found
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=11 (project 11
on sourceforge? Nice). Obviously this has not actually been used, but it
could be without any additional work. I think the lack of email handling
will be the greatest issue here.
Roundup is the only one I'm interested in working with, either
terms of maintaining it or in terms of using it to focus a release, if
people really want me to do the next release. It's very easy to
customize, and I really hate the default organization in all trackers
I've ever used. It also would be easy to prime the database with past
reports, and inject them in batches.
It would be helpful to know what it is that you hate about the default
organization of all trackers.
Bugzilla -- fails both the email and XEmacs client tests. We were
offered an email-capable Bugzilla with the code being supported by
SuSE, but my understanding is that Novell has deep-sixed that code.
No longer true for Bugzilla 3.0 as it has email support built-in, and
bugzilla now seems to be actively developed again with a recent 3.0.1
and a 3.1 development version. No more waiting 8 years on the next
release, it seems.
The XEmacs client test will fail on all trackers, including roundup.
RT -- looks OK in principle, but I will not maintain a big ball of
Perl; we'll need a reliable volunteer for that. I also seem to recall
it doesn't do email very well.
According to the docs it does have an incoming email interface. The docs
don't say whether it works well. :-)
We need one, no more and no less, really. Having others to help is
fine, but there needs to be one somebody who does the work at a least
a couple times a week and stays on top of the thing. The Python
tracker reports are nice, and something similar probably would do the
trick. It looks mostly automated.
Agreed that someone should be responsible for it with a backup in case
of absense. Having all bug reports be vetted by a single person helps a
lot in dealing with duplicates and proper reporting.
Kind regards,
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