I am using the latest beta built on my machine, NT SP 4.0 and i589-pc-win32
XEmacs 21.5 (beta3) "asparagus" [Lucid] (i586-ps-win32, Mule)
Problem Description:
1. I type C-xf or M-x find-file
2. Select a directory/folder (not file)
3. It does not open up (nothing happens).
4. I change all back slashes (directory seperator on windows) to forward slash
(as in Unix).
5. Things work just fine!!
I would like to know why the "*Message*" buffer is absent. I do not get to
see any error reporting. I feel we should have "*Message*" buffer or equivalent
by default as in Emacs.
with best regards,
DELMIA's North American User Group Postponed