The current Linux kernel development model appears to be a
lot more appropriate to base (stable) XEmacs releases on than the
former version.
So, what's left to sign off on a 21.5? (The 21.5 I built on Solaris
crashes immediately, but that may be an older long-standing bug).
Just as soon as I'm done building a full-featured XEmacs I'll take
another look at that.
FSF macs has gone on to v22. I suppose we ought to be aiming
for that too.
21.1.x is all the programming power in an editor I ever dreamed
of and by "modern" standards, we are no longer a heavy weight
I want to see relational database support embedded (and I'm going
to work on PostgreSQL support, I think I'm going to have to have a
Linux box to sort all that out though, Mac OS X is great for playing
games but it leaves something to be desired in the development arena)
Inspire me. XEmacs is good! It must not die.
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