"Stephen J. Turnbull" <turnbull(a)sk.tsukuba.ac.jp> writes:
I don't recall if Customize creates a 14-hyphen XLFD. If it
where possible (which is consistent with the general quality of
Customize code), you may be able to fool it by setting the family to
"adobe-courier" in the Customize buffer for the font. This of course
won't work in the menus, which strip off the foundry information
before even displaying the menu to you.
No this does not work for me. I also tried
this before posting to this
group :) Look here is a pic of the damned bold-italic face that
persists to be changed to a nice font:
Marcus> I tried, seems to work. What is that specifier tag ?
Sorry, it seems to work for non bold-italic fonts. For example
man-italic has changed nicely to my font with the code you posted. But
the face bold-italic seems to me uncustomizeable or better:
unchangeable. It sticks there constantly ignoring any changes.
As I said in my previous posting: I would try to avoid bold-italic and
italic completly but there seems to me no way to do it, because all
those ugly faces wont let me customize them. Any ideas ? Is there a
way to manage italic and bold-italic faces independently from outside
xemacs, say with xresources ?
Yes, God had a deadline. So he wrote all in LISP.