Thanks a lot Giacomo and Aidan !
sorry for the previous incomplete message,
I run the ^C^C command in emacs, not in the good windows.
make clean
./configure --with-xft=yes --site-includes=/usr/include/freetype2 --with-mule
make all
compile fine !
the options --with-xft=all and --with-xft=emacs don't work.
So I get a new xemacs.
I can use antialiased fonts with
xterm -fa lucidastypewriter -fs 10
(the xterm -fa lucidasanstypewriter -fs 10
and the xterm -fa lucidatypewriter -fs 10 are also right)
I even can chose 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18
for the size option.
When I run the original debian xemacs, I can chose lucidatypewriter
in option / font and chose the size. But this font isn't anti-aliased.
When I run the news xemacs without geometry option,
I get a very large frame with a proportional font, perhaps Courier New.
I can't chose any fonts nor any size for my text in menu option / font
and option / size.
Sometime this operation changes the font or the face of the sub-tittle line.
In the font menu, I can't find any lucidatypewriter font.
The usual emacs option -fn (for font-name) doesn't change the font I get.
I ask help again...