>>>>"DP" == Daniel Pittman
<daniel(a)rimspace.net> writes:
DP> I might take a look at that, especially
if someone else provides
DP> the solution to suppressing the reports; I have never worked with
DP> valgrind before.
>>>>"MC" == Marcus Crestani
<crestani(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de> writes:
MC> I found this in the
valgrind manual:
MC> --gen-suppressions=no|yes print suppressions for errors detected [no]
MC> I'll see if this does the magic for us somewhen next week, if you get
MC> to it earlier be my guest and go ahead ;-).
Together with the excellent support of the valgrind people I was able
to figure out how to use valgrind with the virtual dirty bit write
barrier of NEWGC.
Run valgrind with the option `--vex-iropt-precise-memory-exns=yes' to
enable the magic that allows valgrind to work with the write barrier's
signal handlers. By default Valgrind optimises the code it generates
in such a way that the simulated registers are not always up to date,
so when the exception happens, in effect some of the most recent
changes to the simulated registers are
lost. `--vex-iropt-precise-memory-exns=yes' disables this optimisation
at the cost of some performance overhead.