Sometimes I get the following crash:
LUCY:~$xemacs &
[1] 1828
LUCY:~$Fatal error: assertion failed, file alloc.c, line 2400, GCLI_lh->type <
[1]+ Exit 1 xemacs
It is completely unreproducible unfortunately (last time it happened
when starting gnus), and happens on average I'd say about once every
2-3 days (of full time use of XEmacs), and never when XEmacs is idle.
I'm afraid that this is not too helpful, but perhaps XEmacs gurus
would have some ideas on how to try to repro/catch this - I'd be glad
to try it.
[XEmacs 21.2 (beta43) "Terspichore" [Lucid] (i686-pc-cygwin) of Tue Jan 30 2001
on LUCY]