>>>> "SJT" == Stephen J Turnbull
<turnbull(a)sk.tsukuba.ac.jp> writes:
Jeff> now I have the set, save & done widgets, along with the
Jeff> progress bar remmnants in the *scratch buffer*
>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen J Turnbull
<turnbull(a)sk.tsukuba.ac.jp> writes:
Stephen> I can't replicate this. The obvious difference between
Stephen> my setup and yours is I use Lucid widgets, you're using
Stephen> motif. I think I can probably do a Motif test but it'll
Stephen> be a day or two; I may not have the libs installed.
SJT> OK, I've done this, with lesstif 0.91.4. No anomolies.
SJT> Maybe a lesstif 0.89 bug?
No, I think I have found my problem though. I did retest with
widgets=athena and though I thought it had gotten rid of the progress
bar orphans, in reality it did not. I realized I had not followed my
recipe exactly. I had just run xemacs, not xemacs -vanilla. Using
-vanilla, I do get the progress bar orphans, just the athena versions.
so.... I did a cvs diff and found that windows.c & glyphs.c had some
differences vs the current cvs. In particular, code mentioning
widget caching and broken subwindows.
I moved those two files out of the way, and cvs updated, and
recompiled. I retested 3 times and I cannot repeat the problem. So
it looks like I had some old remnants of some previously hand applied
I have also recompiled with the motif (lesstif ) widgets and can
report that they do not produce any orphans either.
So, looks like a dirty src tree on my part, that is now clean. Problem
solved. (hopefully no new ones started :-) )