Vin Shelton <acs(a)> writes:
"Vin Shelton" <acs(a)> writes:
> On 3/19/06, Adrian Aichner <adrian(a)> wrote:
>> Previous installers may have set EMACSPACKAGEPATH.
> IIRC, the 21.4.13 cygwin install sets EMACSPACKAGEPATH.
>> It's hard for current installers to know whether removing the registry
>> key is what the user wants.
>> Vin, would it be possible for InnoSetup to detect this old registry
>> settings and query the user whether the entry should be removed?
>> I think even telling the user about the issue at install-time would be
>> valuable.
> Yes, I can erase the setting of EMACSPACKAGEPATH from the registry at
> install time, but I'm not sure that's the right thing to do. Maybe I
> can detect it and allow the user the choice of clobbering
> EMACSPACKAGEPATH. I'll investigate that option.
The latest setup kits I just uploaded now detect if EMACSPACKAGEPATH
is set and allow the person installing the chance to remove
EMACSPACKAGEPATH from the registry.
Thank you, Vin, for implementing this feature!
Please let me know when the XEmacs website should be updated to
provide links to the latest stable and beta InnoSetup kits.
Vin, I would like to lay the updating of the relevant information in
your hands, after I have addressed any issues you may have.
Documentation would probably be the first one.
What would you like there?
Volker, it would be good to hear from you about this EMACSPACKAGEPATH
You also have still not answered our query about how we should
link to the cygwin installer from
Would be great to hear from you, Volker.
Best regards,
Adrian Aichner