>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen J Turnbull
<stephen(a)xemacs.org> writes:
>>>> "Frank" == Frank Schmitt
<Azzrael(a)rz-online.de> writes:
Frank> Since two days now the cvs server
is down, but on the
Frank> page "Status of XEmacs Services" it isn't mentioned. Of
Frank> what use is this page, if it isn't updated?
Stephen> It is updated. Volunteers to make sure that it gets
Stephen> updated more often would be gratefully accepted.
Stephen> I've updated my workspace but I can't get the changes for
Stephen> the Status page committed. I'll keep trying, but I'm a
Stephen> long way from the repository for the website.
Hi Stephen,
please send a patch to xemacs-patches. This should be done anyway.
I am able to login at SunSITE.dk again.
You might be able to commit now.
Hmmh, I just reported to SunSITE.dk that I am still not able to commit.
Stephen> Anyway, the current situation is that we have been
Stephen> summarily kicked off our current host (they're having
Stephen> severe problems with _their_ provider and are solving
Stephen> them by going elsewhere), we are exploring alternatives,
Stephen> and CVS will be down for a while.
Stephen> Access for the core dev team only will probably be
Stephen> available in a few hours. Getting the anonymous pserver
Stephen> running will take somewhat longer. My guess is 1-2
Stephen> weeks. When I know more, I'll let you know.
Stephen> --
Stephen> Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences
Stephen> University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573
Stephen> Don't ask how you can "do" free software
Stephen> ask what your business can "do for" free
Adrian Aichner
mailto:adrianï¼ xemacs.org