On Mon, 2006-05-15 at 12:26 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>>>>> "michael" == michael
<michael(a)vetl.org> writes:
>> (1) put `(setq inhibit-default-init t)' in init.el at the end.
>> If no error, stop. The problem is in default.el. Use M-x
>> locate-library RET default RET to find it.
michael> Tried it. Still had the error.
>> (2) start xemacs with `xemacs -q'. If no error, stop and
>> please tell us about it. I don't see how that could happen
>> given the other behavior you report.
michael> No error! I'm telling you about it. <g>
Don't tell me, tell the list.
Your init file is somehow broken, then.
Have you hand-edited your customization file
(by default in XEmacs,
"custom.el" in the same directory as "init.el")? If so, try moving
to something like custom.el.save and restart XEmacs.
Didn't help. Got the same error.
" (initialization/error) An error has occurred while
loading /home/michael/.xemacs/init.el:
End of file or stream: "internal input stream"
I also tried doing the same thing to the "init.el" and got the same
results as that reported in my initial post: It complains if the
"init.el" doesn't exist, and if create I create a blank "init.el, it
gives the exact same error as listed above. so it is not content related
-- at least, not by the content of the "init.el".
Otherwise, check your init file and custom file for sensitive
information (eg, passwords), and remove or obscure them.
None exist.
Confirm that
the error still occurs.
It does.
Then run xemacs with "xemacs -debug-init
>xemacs.log 2>&1",
The file is blank, as reported in my initial message. The only output
being generated is in the "warnings" file and is/remains as quoted back
above. Also, Lisp "evaluations" of both buffers (custom.el and init.el)
produce no errors and never have. Again to reiterate: presence or
absense of my old ".emacs" config file also makes no difference.
It is worth noting, however, that while I've had this problem on my FC4
box since installation, my wife has not and is also running FC4. The
only significant differences between the two is that mine is the
"server" box that talks to the outside world. <shrug>
and send the contents of init.el, custom.el, and the console output
from xemacs -debug to xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org.