Ar an cúigiú lá de mí Eanair, scríobh robert delius royar:
Mon, 31 Dec 2007 (14:08 -0500 UTC) robert delius royar wrote:
> I do not know which CVS first exhibited this problem, but it first
> showed up when I recompiled XEmacs 21.5.28b after upgrading to Mac OS
> X 10.5.1. The newest changelog in the tree is dated 2007-12-21, but
> is no longer being updated in CVS.
> I have included installation info at the end of this message.
> I can no longer get XEmacs to play sounds through my (working)
> Enlighten Sound Daemon (v 2.38). I have verified that ESD is working
> on the system (launched at startup and plays through
> I verified this by playing
> /usr/local/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/etc/sounds/boing.wav with
> esdplay; I also verified that sound-extension-list is ".wav" and that
> load-default-sounds reports "Loading sounds..." and "Loading
> sounds...done".
> However, no sounds play in XEmacs other than the system beep. And
> device-sound-enabled-p returns nil.
I found the line (110) in XEmacs src/esd.c that was the root of the problem:
sock = esd_play_stream(flags, speed, NULL, ESD_NAME);
The function in esdlib is prototyped as int esd_play_stream( esd_format_t
format, int rate, const char *host, const char *name ); Passing the value
NULL for the host worked until I recompiled XEmacs for Leopard. esd
expects a host name or an octet string (with optional port/socketname
appended). But the code in esdlib is supposed to accept !host as a signal
to use localhost.
However, it doesnot to work because of the new scheme for setting DISPLAY
in OS X.
What is this new scheme? Is the value for DISPLAY constant under it? It
seems to me that the most portable way to solve this issue in XEmacs is to
temporarily override it when calling esd_play_stream.
If I change the call from XEmacs so that the NULL is replaced by
the sound plays. If I change the code in esdlib.c so that esd_play_stream
checks for host==NULL and calls esd_open_sound("localhost") instead of
esd_open_sound(NULL), then the sounds will also work. Either "fix" gets the
sounds back.
I have not tried the third alternative of setting the environment variable
ESPEAKER to "localhost". It might also work; however, on the previous OS
(10.4), setting ESPEAKER caused hangups in XEmacs. On 10.3, it was the only
way to get esd to play.
I just wanted to followup in case anyone else using OS X 10.5 found a similar
problem with sounds.
BTW: Is anyone working on a way to use CoreAudio from within
XEmacs--similar to the way Windows sound is treated?
Not to my knowledge, no.
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghé, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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