Yeah, there was a long discussion on this a while back. I concluded that
lazy-lock was brain-dead and advised people not to use it :) Of course
there may be some dissention about this observation....
The window change triggers a gutter repaint because gutters are displayed
using the same (or similar code). I you don't do this you get into some
weird non-redisplay problems when window proprties and things change.
At 07:38 AM 2/8/2002 +0000, Nix wrote:
On Fri, 08 Feb 2002, Hrvoje Niksic stipulated:
> The reason for this is that I've encountered the font-lock/indentation
> slowness myself, and complained about it. The maintainer of the
> syntax code asked me to provide an example, which is when I found that
> I couldn't repeat the extreme slowness using `xemacs -vanilla', or
> after firing up any new XEmacs. If you have a repeatable case for
> slowness, please provide it.
I ran into a case of gutter-related hyperslowness a while back, the
problem being that *everything* triggered a gutter redraw, and that
window_changed was being set by things like every single mouse movement.
It went away when I stopped being stupid and activating lazy-lock and
lazy-shot at the same time (thick typo, I was trying to use lazy-shot
alone). Even so, on the off-chance that this might be useful, here are
some half-digested notes on the symptoms (and other random things I
noticed at the same time):
lazy-lock ocnditionalizes on `frame-modified-tick' --- but repainting
the gutters increments this variable; so whenever the idle-hook fires,
lazy-lock kicks up, changes the window (even if it's done nothing
visible, especially in minibuffers), and the gutters promptly get
repainted --- which increments frame-modified-hook again, so the next
time it kicks up it'll hit that again! (Why does a window change trigger
a gutter repaint anyway? windows != gutters...)
Ancillary wonders: pgup triggers a gutter redisplay, but scrolling up
doesn't, even if scroll-in-place is not in use.
Popping up the minibuffer triggers a gutter_changed (by what, pray?
I have no toolbars active or anything.)
Disclaimer: none of this may apply with a sane configuration. This
hasn't been checked much. This may make no sense. This is half-digested
notes to myself. :)
`It is to be proven that Linux Kernel is the most stable than MS Windows
that it uses less stable.' --- Bryan Parkoff being very comprehensible