>>>> "Didier" == Didier Verna
<verna(a)inf.enst.fr> writes:
Didier> David Schweikert <dwschwei(a)stud.ee.ethz.ch> writes:
> I have noticed a (seems-to-be-) bug: Open the about screen and
divide the
> window vertically (C-x 3). Now scroll the left window to the right. The
> XEmacs logo "enters" the right window!
Didier> *DOH !!!*
Didier> Reproduced with b44 on SunOS metheny 5.5 Generic_103093-22 sun4u sparc
Didier> Hmmm, it's gonna be fun, this release ....
Same on Irix 6.3.
In addition, I get garbage in the SE corner of the left window: