>>>> "Ilya" == Ilya N Golubev
<gin(a)mo.msk.ru> writes:
Ilya> The newest version of my patch retained `struct stat;' in
Ilya> from "lisp.h" because removing it *may* break compilation on
Ilya> windows (never tried it anyway).
Why didn't you say that when you sent your patch? I went looking for
such problems, but missed that one.
Ilya> When "syswindows.h" included in "glyphs-msw.h" included
Ilya> "frame-msw.c", "sysfile.h" is not included before. How
Ilya> "frame-msw.c" compile on windows witout `struct stat;'?
Cygwin warns about a declaration in a parameter list, dunno about
And that's not the only such case, I think. So I'm going to include
sysfile.h from syswindows.h. We'll see what comes out tomorrow, I
need sleep.
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