Adrian.Aichner(a) (Adrian Aichner) writes:
>>>>> "Jarl" == Jarl Friis
<jarl(a)> writes:
Jarl> I have experienced this too some times (with 21.1 and 21.4 ) using
Jarl> 'CVS_RSH=ssh', but only over "slower" connections
(128kb/s) and
Jarl> hitting cvs-status a couple of times made it go away. I have never
Jarl> experienced this when using local (same computer or LAN) cvs
Jarl> repository.
Jarl> It could be nice if it was possible to set a cvs-debug variable to let
Jarl> the cvs output go to a debug buffer to have a closer look at what
Jarl> pcl_cvs receives.
How about
C-x b runs the command switch-to-buffer
I miss that buffer. hmm... I wonder why this is not created or is it
automatically deleted after the cvs command is issued maybe.
Gerd, can you see anything wrong in that buffer?
Can you see that buffer at all?