Hmm, while looking at the newest RH Rawhide XEmacs RPM, I noticed that
they had tried to use --pkgdir (and failed). AFAICT, that's not used,
and can be safely removed since lispdir gets set to the same value in
configure and thus it's mkdir'd anyway in Makefile (mkdir). I'll send a
patch against 21.5 and 21.4 if this is correct.
Another thing that needs clarification is --package-path.
configure.usage says:
... PATH splits into three parts separated by double colons (::)...
AFAICT, the splitting is done in src/fns.c (split_external_path), and it
uses SEPCHAR for splitting. I suspect configure.usage needs tweaking;
if I'm right, on Unix (maybe Cygwin) the path is split on *single*
colons and on Windows, semicolons.
\/ille Skyttä
scop at