Hi F.J,
We don’t see this. I’m on OS X with X11 and on Cygwin with X11, various
other people are on Linux with X11. Normally it’s mentioned if XEmacs was
linked with the Xaw3D libraries, which can be problematic, but it’s not
listed in the details of your bug report. Regardless, can you run
ldd `which xemacs`
(replacing xemacs with the command name you type to invoke XEmacs 21.5.28)
and paste the output for us here? If you’re using a particularly odd X
library it may be that; XEmacs tends to exercise parts of the X libraries
that other apps don’t get to, in general.
Ar an séú lá déag de mí Meitheamh, scríobh F.J. Tilmann:
Dear Bug Team!
on the current version of xemacs, all buttons on dialog boxes (in
additional windows) are not functional. For example, if I still have a file
unsave on quitting, xemacs presents a dialog box asking whether I wish to
save unsaved file: "yes", "no", ..
","cancel","display buffer" but any
clicks I make in the dialog box are ignored (TAB moves correctly between
entries, but RETURN is also ignored). The only possibility is to close the
window. In the file dialog box I have the same problem, but I can select a
file using the middle-mouse button.
Theoretically this could be a problem with X but no other programs show
this behaviour.
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghé, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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