> "Michael" == Michael Sperber
<sperber(a)deinprogramm.de> writes:
Uwe Brauer <oub(a)mat.ucm.es> writes:
The mailing list didn't pass through what you sent. I took the
from the GNU Emacs repo.
> - you say a port is doable but not trivial. I run this pkg for
> years without problems, save the odd query-replace-regexp which I
> faced recently. So what are the problems?
The code you referred to is no longer there.
I don't understand, I just clicked on
http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/wdired.el and this code is still
there. This is not really the code I used for years but the differences
are very small. I would like to test it for some days.
Meanwhile I sent you privately the code I used for years.
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