>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Jaeger
<aj(a)suse.de> writes:
pui-list-packages tricked me again:
psgml 1.18 Validated HTML/SGML editing.
Author version: 1.21 2000-06-26: XEmacs Development Team
This suggests there is no external maintainer.
Shouldn't this be changed?
Do you know whether
is still the active maintainer?
Best regards,
Andreas> Adrian,
Andreas> please send those patches also to the psgml authors. I'd prefer to
Andreas> keep the differences between the upstream version and our version
Andreas> small.
Andreas> Add them in any case - unless the psgml authors persuade you not to do
Andreas> so;-).
Andreas> Andreas
Andreas> --
Andreas> Andreas Jaeger
Andreas> SuSE Labs aj(a)suse.de
Andreas> private aj(a)arthur.inka.de