Assuming I have logged in for checkout of sources and I have XEmacs source
for 21.5.b14 stored locally in my directory named xemacs, should the command
cvs -d status xemacs
show some files which are new on the server? Since I first checked out
21.5.b14 last week, all the files show up with
File: name-of-file Status: Up-to-date
Have I constructed the status command incorrectly? I'm trying to find a way
to avoid recompiling or redumping when no files have actually changed. If I
run checkout, I always at least get a redump even though some times the only
change *appears* to be
Dr. Robert Delius Royar Associate Professor of English
Morehead State University Morehead, Kentucky
Kill UGLY Corporate Radio
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
-Søren Kierkegaard
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