Yes I'm using JDE mode. I haven't been able to come up with files that
consistently reproduces this.
I will file a bug with jde developers.
To all the follow ups, it is NOT due to the fact that I have more than
one frame open on each buffer.
Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>>>>>"Bryan" == Bryan Kramer
<kramer(a)> writes:
Bryan> I often have many frames open on many different buffers. I
Bryan> frequently close most or all but one of these
Bryan> frames. Having done this, sometimes opening a frame on a
Bryan> buffer that I have looked at before, the visible area and
Bryan> point are nowhere near where I left them when I closed the
Bryan> last frame on the buffer. I don't expect point to change
Bryan> just because I closed a frame.
OK, that's a bug. But we need to know what modes these buffers with
changing point are in, and it would be best if you can provide us with
a recipe like
xemacs -nw
C-x C-f new-file
; insert text and move
; alternatively, find a file it happens on that you can send us or put
; up on the Web for retrieval
C-x 5 C-f some-other-file
C-x 5 o
C-x 5 0
C-x 5 b new-file
; point is wrong
Also, if it's consistently in one of the big externally maintained
packages like JDE or cc-mode, you should file bug reports with the
maintainers. It seems possible to me that one of this packages is
doing something "intelligent" outside of a save-excursion or the like;
there's nothing we can do about that kind of thing except ask the
maintainers to fix.
It's especially plausible with JDE because (a) it's very intelligent
and (b) I don't use it which is consistent with me not having observed
the bug.
Bryan M. Kramer, Ph.D., Techné Knowledge Systems Inc.
Suite 2406, One Yonge St., Toronto, ON Canada M5E 1E5
416-977-3960 x314 fax 416-644-0656 <>