Andy Piper writes:
Hi Paul,
> I measured the time it took XEmacs 21.4 (patch 8) running JDEE
> 2.2.9beta10 and sematic 1.4 to load some Java Swing files on a
> 128-megabyte Pentium III desktop running at 900 Mhz. The load time is
> the time from an open file command to the time when the file becomes
> editable and includes the time to fontify and bovinate the buffer. The
> load time ranged from about 2 seconds for a 200-line file to about 15
> seconds for a 5000-line file (see table below). On my machine,
> fontification dominated the load time on large files. The parse time
> (i.e., semantic bovinator time) was never more than a few seconds even
> for a 5000-line file.
That's more in line with my experience.
> Based on my measurements and the fact that the user has a faster machine
> than mine, the user should be seeing about a 2-3 second
> load time for his "typical" 300-line Java files. I don't know why he
> seeing 20+ second load times. Perhaps, he has an old version of
> semantic on his system. Recent versions of semantic have dramatically
> slashed the time required to parse files and the time should drop even
> further with the advent of the upcoming bison-like parser to be
> included in semantic.
That's possibly the case. I will do some profiling myself. Certainly
I have seen very slow load times with a dump version of cygwin XEmacs.
But its true that jde does take a significant amount of time to load
(at least for me anyway).
Are you referring to the time it takes Emacs to load the JDEE lisp files
or the time that it takes to load Java files under jde-mode? These
are different issues. I thought the user was complaining about the
time to load Java files not the JDEE application itself.
- Paul