Ar an naoú lá is fiche de mí Deireadh Fómhair, scríobh stephen(a)
> Agreed. But Andriy’s not from East Asia, and only East Asia
> about those standards, especially ISO 2022.
*sigh* You do realize that "ANSI color" which is used by colorized ls
and colorgcc wrappers is nothing but a version of ISO 2022? Isn't
just amazing the way that ANSI color sequences never invoke function
keys? Another version of ISO 2022 makes sure of that, too.
EBCDIC dates from before ISO 2022, and the writers of the latter standard
ignored it, and its extensions. KOI8-R as an eight-bit standard dates from
1976, has ё and Ё in the Control-2 space, and was ignored by the writers of
ISO 2022 and its extensions.
Let's face it. Most users don't care about standards,
period. To
them, they're just buzzwords that vendors throw around. Users just
want their software to work without effort on their part, and don't
much care whether anybody else's does.
Standards are thus not for users at all. They're purely for the
convenience of those few of us who are trying to make things work for
*everybody*. XEmacs happens to be based on ISO 2022. Most things in
XEmacs work better in that framework; if you want otherwise, there's a
fair amount of extra work to be done.
People legitimately want otherwise, and I don’t disagree that there’s a fair
amount of extra work to be done.
Santa Maradona, priez pour moi!
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