Uwe, I am not sure which keys you want to define with Hyper_L.
When a key is defined with "keycode <code> =" it is followed by a list
of one or more items. the first one is Hyper_L with no other modifiers,
the next one is Hyper_L with the shift also held down, third is for some
keyboards that use special language keys, fourth is both shift and
special language keys, (and there can be 4 more that I do not know what
they do, except hints that one might be num_lock).
I used xmodmap to see how my left windows key is setup, and it has:
keycode 133 = Super_L NoSymbol Super_L
(that is slackware using KDE)
Probably works the same way for Hyper_L
I'm just saying you might want to consider adding some of the rest of
the possible values in the list after the "=" so you can define more
keys more completely.
One example, and I'm not sure if it is the best example, is something
like Hyper_L + %, which is shifted-5 on the keyboard and may be affected
by whether there is a shift definition in the list for keycode 133.
Stephen, I know this does not answer Uwe's question completely, but I
thought it would be germane to defining Hyper completely.
Steve M.
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