>>>> "Peekay" == Peekay Chan <Chan>
Peekay> Thanks Adrian,
Peekay> It didn't work. The funny thing is that I downloaded
Peekay> xemacs 21.4 Windows binary at the very beginning. The
Peekay> Xemacs Bash shell works just like the one in Cygwin.
Ah, good, 21.4 is the sable XEmacs version. Use that for day-to-day
Peekay> After downloading 21.5, even I use the cygwin native built
Peekay> still failed. Anyway, I will keep trying to find the
Peekay> solution.
please use
Help->Send Bug Report...
M-x report-emacs-bug
as suggested in
from your 21.5 XEmacs.
Add the bug description from your previous mail.
This will tell us enough about your XEmacs installation so that we
should be able to help you.
Best regards,
Peekay> Thanks again.
Peekay> Peekay
Peekay> -----Original Message-----
Peekay> From: Adrian Aichner [mailto:adrian@xemacs.org]
Peekay> Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 12:07 PM
Peekay> To: Chan, Peekay
Peekay> Cc: 'xemacs-winnt(a)xemacs.org'
Peekay> Subject: Re: cygwin shell problem
>>>> "Peekay" == Peekay Chan <Chan>
Peekay> Hi all, I have downloaded and compiled xemacs 21.5.10 for
Peekay> both Cygwin Native and Windows Native. Everything works
Peekay> great except the Bash shell.
Peekay> My init.el
Peekay> (setq exec-path (cons "c:/cygwin/bin" exec-path))
Peekay> (setq process-coding-system-alist '(("bash" .
Peekay> (setq w32-quote-process-args ?\")
Peekay> (setq shell-file-name "bash")
Peekay> (setenv "SHELL" shell-file-name)
Peekay> (setq explicit-shell-file-name shell-file-name)
Peekay> (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions
Peekay> 'comint-strip-ctrl-m)
Peekay> (setq shell-command-switch "-exec")
Peekay> Try
Peekay> (setq shell-command-switch "-c")
Peekay> instead.
Peekay> Problem #1: The cygwin shell and xemacs dir are out of sync.
Peekay> When I type
Peekay> "cd c:" in the shell, cygwin changes to /cygdrive/c, then when I
Peekay> type "dirs"
Peekay> in xemacs, it complains "c:\cygdrive\c" is not a directory.
Peekay> Problem #2: When I press tab for auto-completion directory, it
Peekay> always use
Peekay> "\" as in Windows Command Prompt.
Peekay> I have a feeling these are related but just couldn't figure out
Peekay> what is
Peekay> causing it.
Peekay> Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Peekay> Peekay
Peekay> --
Peekay> Adrian Aichner
Peekay> mailto:adrian@xemacs.org
Adrian Aichner