>>>> Stephen wrote:
Stephen> Adrian's build-report already does a lot of this. If we have
Stephen> to do it by post-processing the logs, then porting Adrian's
Stephen> regexps to Perl is probably a good way to go. Perl starts up
Stephen> a good deal faster than XEmacs.
Where can I find the code? I looked in CVS module xemacs-builds but
didn't find anything.
Stephen> What would be nice is if we could get the error-reporting
Stephen> mechanism tweaked so as not to warn about intentional
Stephen> features.
Could you elaborate? I know the logs are a bit hard to read and thus
so far I have just considered the exit status from make as something
that can be relied upon. Does adrians regexps spot problems by
examining the logs and does it now find a little to much?
I have a tinderbox-like, but simpler, solution in mind and for that we
need to be able to parse the logs to spot the errors. On the other
hand it will be a lot of work to get all the bells and whistles
working and it will not add much information that can't already be
found as it is today.
%% Mats