Steve Youngs writes:
Actually, I think I will. We already have #'pui-bootstrap that
FFI/libcurl to leech EFS and xemacs-base. That wouldn't be too much
work to extend so that it alleviates the need for EFS completely for
PUI. That, in turn, would remove the restriction of FTP being the only
transport available for packages. Am I making you jealous yet? :-)
Of course not. If I haven't switched to SXEmacs yet, it isn't because
of the price! :-) (And I assure you it isn't because of the quality,
either, that was not a hidden jab. Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison
ne connaît pas. :^)
[1] I've been incredibly lucky in that one of my team (Nelson Ferreira)
has donated part of his personal storage and bandwidth on Dreamhost
to the SXEmacs project.
I don't think we'd have any trouble getting donations. It's the
effort of moving and reproducing all the services that we have (if of
somewhat degraded quality) at Tux, not to mention the inevitable need
for volunteer admins to build up a whole new set of personal tools.
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