It seems that my mail did not arrive (sorry for possible double posting)
>>>> "Aidan" == Aidan Kehoe
<kehoea(a)> writes:
Aidan> Ar an dara l� de m� Eanair, scr�obh Uwe Brauer:
> I simply have to restart xemacs, then everything works fine.
> Is there anything I could do, besides that inconvenient restart.
Aidan> This sounds like a problem on the level of your OS. Make
I don't think so.
Aidan> sure your modem connection scripts set the default route to
Aidan> be the modem connection. Do other applications behave
Aidan> similarly?
No, mozilla for example behaves as expected: it does not matter
whether I first start mozilla and then open the connection or vice
versa, while xemacs needs the connection first to be opened. So I
think xemacs is the culprit here not me OS.