Ar an seachtú lá déag de mí Eanair, scríobh Uwe Brauer:
Norbert> Remove the entry from your known-hosts
Ok, and add what?
There should be no need to add anything--ssh adds keys it hasn’t seen before
to the known_hosts file automatically.
>> So what is up, why is the images directory not being
Norbert> Because you are not really logged into the system maybe?
No I checked 10 times!!
Just to be sure, dump the output from SSH after you’ve added the following
at the end of your ~/.ssh/config:
Host *
LogLevel Debug3
So what could be the reason for this bizarre behaviour?
The permissions on the server could be broken.
“Ah come on now Ted, a Volkswagen with a mind of its own, driving all over
the place and going mad, if that’s not scary I don’t know what is.”