>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen J Turnbull
<turnbull(a)sk.tsukuba.ac.jp> writes:
Stephen> Hi, Andy!
>>>> "ash" == Andrew S Howell
<andy(a)tibco.com> writes:
ash> I just moved lisp/tooltalk to lisp/tooltalk.not and
ash> restarted. There were not any errors. I didn't do anything
ash> but make sure XEmacs came up and I could edit a file.
Stephen> Anything in the standard paths is supposed to get found
Stephen> and autoloaded at startup (there is no list of all
Stephen> packages in XEmacs, this is determined dynamically).
Stephen> Test with
Stephen> M-: (apply 'concat (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (string-match
Stephen> "tooltalk" x) x)) load-path))
I could not get the above to work, it complained about "wrong type
argument: stringp, nil"
Your are right though, I did describe-variable load-path, and sure enough, it
found tooltalk.not. The other thing I noticed was that my load-path
starts with nil.
(nil "/h/andy/lisp"
The culprit was in my .emacs:
(setq load-path
(append (list nil (expand-file-name "~/lisp"))
Removing the "nil", and your code worked as advertised. Although it
was a bit more to type, your way was much sexier than
describe-variable :)