Here is my list of proposal to be added to xemacs (in different
pkg). Before I open tracker issues, maybe just to list them here is helpful:
- wdired
- auto-capitalize
- dired-tar (allows to open and to generate tar, tgz tar.gz)
- babel --- interface to web translation services such
as Babelfish
- backup-each-save --- backup each savepoint of a file
- better-registers for storing registers for the next session
and list-registersl (both I have mentioned already, I think
both are on the tracker)
- ;; TeX-escape-region
Written by Aidan Kehoe, Tue Jan 8 23:21:27 CET 2008. Convert TeX
commands to UFT-8 symbols and back
- weekly-view --- bar graph view of the week's diary events
Any comments before asking the authors and opening the tracker?
Uwe Brauer
XEmacs-Beta mailing list