SL Baur writes:
Make it so, #1! But we'll wait until you're settled after
move. How about Halloween XEmacs?
I'm philosophically opposed to me doing it. I'm too old and
crotchety. I can be drafted, it's a realistic choice I guess, but I
don't really think it's a great idea. It would be better if someone
with delusions of grandeur did it.
As for Halloween, IMO that's unrealistic. If we're going to do a
"with all the warts" release, let's shoot for (US) Labor Day for a
"gamma" announcement, just to remind us of how much work is left to
do. If we're going to try to fix some of the problems, I misdoubt
we'll still be deciding what to fix and what to document as a feature
around Halloween. (Although I guess 21.6.0 can be "Edward
Scissorhands" because it's more sorrow than horror, and then .1 can be
"Halloween" XEmacs, followed by "Freddy", "Jason", and
Chainsaw" as the realization of what we've let loose on society starts
to sink in!)
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