|--==> "APA" == Adrian Aichner <adrian(a)xemacs.org> writes:
>>>>>"SY" == Steve Youngs
<youngs(a)xemacs.org> writes:
SY> - delete, move or otherwise get rid of:
SY> /usr/local/lib/xemacs-21.5-b3/etc/package-index.LATEST*
SY> ~/.xemacs/package-index.LATEST*
SY> (so they don't get in our way)
Oops. Looks like there has to be a package-index.LATEST.gpg file on
the local machine. Either in /usr/local/lib/xemacs-<ver>/etc/ or in
~/.xemacs/. Sorry for the bum steer there, Adrian.
I'll add a 'package-index.LATEST.gpg' file to the 21.5 core CVS,
SY> - Tools -> Packages -> Add Download Site -> Pre-Releases
SY> - Tools -> Packages -> List and Install
SY> How does that go?
APA> Hi Steve,
APA> Doing it via the menus fails, because the dialog box complains if the
APA> destination package-index.LATEST* does not exist.
See above, sorry.
APA> Signaling: (error "Can't locate a package index file.")
APA> M-x package-get-update-base
APA> PGP version set to GPG.
APA> Verifying...
APA> BAD SIGNATURE claiming to be from 'nil'
APA> Got 91 package-get database entries
APA> Updated package-get database
This is the bit that worries me. I know my lisp is right, I've tested
it at least a dozen times now... works perfectly every time. That's
under Linux, and now with your Win additions to package-get, it should
be fine there too.
The problem has got to have something to do with your GnuPG set up.
I'll send you a small file that is signed with my GnuPG key, with
instructions as to how to verify the sig. Let me know how it goes.
We'll get to the bottom of this. And if it turns out that for some
strange reason Windoze can't handle this, just leave
package-get-require-signed-base-updates set to nil. You won't be any
worse off than you are now.
|---<Steve Youngs>---------------<GnuPG KeyID: 10D5C9C5>---|
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