> 21.4.10 build crashes with a segmentation
> violation ...
fs> Try configuring with --pdump. Alternatively, you
fs> can try out my RPMs for RH8 at
fs> <
Thank you, --pdump worked. Prior to that I tried the
RPM, but it would not install because of some
dependency ... a missing library. (I've forgotten what
it said, but I think it said "pc" somewhere in it.)
> That's it. There is no core file, so I can't run
> gdb to find anything else.
fs> Try "ulimit -c unlimited" before running the
fs> build (or XEmacs). ...
That's what I have ulimit set to by default. It's
academic now. However, minor problems remain.
First of all ... I've been keeping my packages
reasonably up to date lately. Is it a true statement
that I should just be able to compile xemacs, load it,
and do another packages update, and that I shouldn't
have to download and untar a sumo tarball?
Anyhow, that's what I'm in process of doing now.
After compiling I ran with --vanilla, everything looked
okay, so I ran make install.
Now, when I try to run it (from my home directory) I
get interesting variations of this:
$ xemacs
xemacs ... temacs can only be run in -batch mode
$ type xemacs
xemacs is a tracked alias for /usr/local/bin/xemacs
$ /usr/local/bin/xemacs
<starts normally>
I have no idea what the temacs message is all about,
and even less why it goes away when I use the full
I still have a 21.4.0 session running (the one I'm
writing this mail in) and I'm afraid to kill it for
fear I'll find myself in an xemacsless purgatory. (Like
a lot of folks on this list, I live all day long inside
my xemacs.) However, other than that one misbehavior,
it seems to be working. Am I all right?