Valdis Kletnieks writes:
On 01 Apr 1999 10:31:25 EST, you said:
> (global-set-key [(return)] 'newline-and-indent)
> (global-set-key [(linefeed)] 'newline)
> Does anyone disagree?
"But how do I undent?
I've always hit return and then indented to
where I want to - now it's Going Too Damned Far sometimes".
There *are* people who hit return, and then hit 2/4/6/8/etc spaces.
In my travels to various companies, I've never seen programmers who
indented with the space key (unless they were vi people). Maybe I was
lucky, or maybe my being there got them to ask how to set up their
cc-mode style correctly.
For those who think that it's gone too far, they can backspace (or
delete) to where they like. In cc-mode, it will convert tabs to eight
spaces before backspacing over a tab. In Lisp, it won't, but we can
change BS in lisp-mode to be bound to `backward-delete-char-untabify'
if we really wanted.
Oh.. you can't say "linefeed" in your explanation
either - my keyboard
doesn't HAVE a 'linefeed' key.
Oops, neither does mine. The answer, of course, is C-j, though it's
not that obvious to non-computer people.
(Yes, I'm being pendantic. Yes, I think the change is The Way It
Should Be.
No, I don't think we should make it unless we address the re-education issue).
I really think that the bulk of the users will say, "Cool, this works
the way that it should." For those that don't, we will need to answer
their questions. I'm not sure how easily to do this, since no one
reads NEWS.
Maybe if I promise to spend a lot of time on comp.emacs.xemacs?