On 5/8/2011 5:33 AM, Mats Lidell wrote:
>>>>> You could be specially interested in the windows
builds. We have
>>>>> currently three green and one red windows build. Unfortunately(!?)
>>>>> red build is not the same error as you get.
I took a built statement from I think the red one and I got a
working build.
./configure --with-xemacs-compiler=g++ --with-mule --with-pdump --with-kkcc=no
--with-newgc --with-debug=no --with-bignum=no --with-xft=all --with-menubars=no
--with-toolbars=no --with-widgets=no --with-jpeg=no --with-tiff=no --with-xpm=no
--with-scrollbars=no --with-dialogs=no --with-gif=no --with-png=no --with-xface=no
is there any place for these options are explained? I read the ./configure
--help output and I why. no toolbars widgets and all of the imaging stuff turned
off. Why no scrollbars and why no dialogs?
If it helps any, and I can control the load, I'm willing to be one of the built
bots for Windows 7-64
--- eric
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