|--==> "rdr" == robert delius royar <robert(a)frinabulax.org> writes:
rdr> After a number of changes to my configure script to get past a Bus Error after
rdr> dumping (in update-elc-2.el), I finally tracked the potential problem down to
rdr> recent revisions of split-string. Unfortunately, I can't get a stack trace
rdr> anything useful because XEmacs exits as soon as it loads (even xemacs -vanilla)
rdr> on my platform. Reverting lisp/subr.el to the latest pre CVS20030423 version
rdr> fixes the crash. Note I have --use-union-type defined, but compiling with that
rdr> off did not help. However, compiling with --debug=yes fixed the problem. Does
rdr> dbugging on affect the stack or function calls? I ask because most of the
rdr> load Bus errors I have seen on this system with XEmacs were stack related and
rdr> occured in regex code. I have an 8MB stack.
Steve T, is it possible that this was caused by the `split-string'
update? Can you comment?
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