On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 16:24:16 +0100, Jens Lautenbacher <jtl(a)schlund.de> said:
b) stable enough
c) available on enough platforms
d) able to at least compete featurewise with the win32 toolkit
is gtk.
At least on AIX, you get to *first* install one or more of the GNU
tools (autoconf, automake, GNU make, libtool). *Then* you can
look at building glib and then gtk+.
THat's a DAMNED lot of extra stuff you need over and above what IBM
ships. XEmacs currently builds Just Fine on an AIX box that has nothing
but the standard IBM-supplied operating system and C compiler. At the
current time, everything else is *OPTIONAL*.
Please don't make it mandatory to install additional stuff just to
get the editor to display a window. ;)
/Valdis (who has Gtk+ and Enlightenment on AIX, but is quite the rarity)