Some time ago, Ben Wing wrote...
The hope was the opposite -- eliminate the "font" property
and separate out
each individual property of it to a separate face property. The problem was,
there was disagreement over how to design this. Kyle wants to have a "font"
property containing a list of all the actual font properties. I think it's
arbitrary to distinguish between font and other properties, and that all
properties should be equal at the face level.
Why the opposite? Perhaps I misworded the question somehow. Second try. :)
Should underline and strike out properties go away from fonts and remain
only on the face level?
I agree with Ben. I wrote not the best code in my life just to separate
underline property of the font to be a property of the face, despite
that in Windows it is a property of the former. Not only the division
line between font and face properties is random, it is different in
Windows and in X. Faces should be -- eh -- homogenized?
Is it possible to kick fonts away form the lisp level at all? Fonts
are not abstract enough, faces are.
Big K