wmperry(a)gnu.org (William M. Perry) writes:
> Dan> Like hell it would --- if the user isn't
redistributing the
> Dan> compiled binary, he needn't agree to the GPL, and therefore
> Dan> is not bound by its terms --- and thus, linking on the user's
> Dan> own computer to anything, even, say, XForms, would be
> Dan> fine. At least as I see it.
> As rms sees it too. He means with redistribution. He would be "shocked,
> SHOCKED" at your misinterpretation of his words. ;-) We are discussing
> what the XEmacs Project can and cannot do here, and obviously that
> involves redistribution.
Would adding something like --with-qt that checks for Unix/X11 by default
and spits out a gigantic warning about breaking the GPL, and add another
one like --with-personal-qt that ignores it?
Making --with-qt enable QT under unix and not caring at all about
QT/Windows could be sufficient. I doubt it will "just work" to
compile XEmacs against Qt/Windows unless someone spent time on making
it work. Let's treat it like it doesn't exist (since, it doesn't
exist as GPL-compatible software).