Michael Totschnig wrote:
: Please also include any C or lisp back-traces that you may have.
: ================================================================
: Dear Bug Team!
: i upgraded from 21.1 to 21.4, and I think there is a small bug with
: recent-files. recent-files-menu-path has the value ("File"). On
: 21.1. I had the menu entry correctly added as a submenu on the File
: menu. Now the same menu is added twice, once as a sumbenu on the File
: menu, and another time as a top level menu.
This happened because init.el is loaded and executed before
Move code that loads recent-files from your init.el to the
end of custom.el.
For example, my custom.el looks like:
-----[ begin ]-----
'(toolbar-info-use-separate-frame nil)
'(require-final-newline (quote ask))
'(recent-files-dont-include (quote ("^/tmp/")))
'(recent-files-save-file "~/.xemacs/.recent-files-21.4.el")
'(recent-files-menu-title "Recent-Files")
'(diff-index-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground
;; awn(a)bcs.zp.ua
(require 'recent-files)
-----[ end ]-----
Andrew W. Nosenko (awn(a)bcs.zp.ua)