Sometime during the last few revisions to 21.5.b My XEmacs lost the ability
to follow the following directives from my .Xresources file
Emacs*XlwScrollBar.SliderStyle: dimple
Emacs*XlwScrollBar.ArrowPosition: opposite
In fact, I no longer have arrows in my scrollbars. Also, scrolling now
jumps to the place where the cursor clicks rather than a page up or down
when using the scroll bar.
Has there been a change in the code to cause this, or should I look to my
init file as a possibility? There are so far as I can tell no directives in
my init file related to this. Also, other .Xresources directives do work
such as
Emacs*XlwScrollbar.borderWidth: 0
Emacs*XlwScrollbar.shadowWidth: 0
Emacs*menubar*Font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
Emacs*popup*Font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
I also tried XEmacs instead of Emacs with the same results, size and font
get set, arrows and dimple do not.
Dr. Robert Delius Royar Associate Professor of English
Morehead State University Morehead, Kentucky
Making meaning one message at a time.
Computers are potentially the most addictive drug yet devised.
-R. U. Sirius
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