Okie, so now i've XEmacs in cygwin32, all packages seems to load well ,
but i still got some problem on the mail part (vm and may be Gnus
Here is the configuration, i used to have (mail on a pop3 server) ::
- popmail (a fetchmail-like program) + procamil to split mail into 2
folder (one for raw mail, the other for mailing lists)
Then i did have Gnus to read the mailing lists and have vm configured
for the raw mail.
For the mail sending part, i just relied on the local sendmail which
just redirect any input to the pop3 server (dumb redirect).
So now, i did got xemacs up, popmail compiled and working, procmail
co,piled but buggy (procmail jut flush out the input spool file, dunno
why, gotta debug). But i was wondering how i may send email ( since
those dumb NT computer don't have sendmail or such). what i'd like to
do is to send mail using pop3 and receive using local spool file.
is it possible, and how ? any help appreciated...
Thanx for any help,
PS: i was wondering if i should also post this to the nt list (since
xemacs on cygwin32 is not really xemacs on NT, after all)
Seb C. (mailto:scarpeļ¼ atos-group.com) | Working for Atos at Lille, France