>>>"JV" == Jan Vroonhof schrieb am 15 Jun 1998
10:07:46 +0200:
Hi Jan !
JV> I think we are talking about the dead key problems,
JV> i.e. x-compose . These are not really due to the Xkb-extensions
JV> but they reinforce it. Because of all the trouble in German
JV> linux groups Martin and I did all the rewriting of it.
[Lots of information I could never have provided]
JV> This is fixed 21.0. It would be very nice if somebody with a
JV> German linux installation (preferably something that comes
JV> directly out of a SUSE box), could try this out one more time
JV> before release to make sure we get the same debacle as in
JV> 20.4. Holger, could you find someone?
This someone could be me. I do use SuSE (a 5.1 currently), although I
couldn't really call this "directly out of the box". But (after
backing up my X86Config) I could re-install X11 and go for it. (That's
after I get a bunch of floppy disks and transferred the new version to
my linux box). This will probably not happen before the end of this