Michael Sperber writes:
Michael> However, as far as I can tell, there are still no useful log
Michael> messages.
Usefull in themselves, perhaps not, but nevertheless, this is a
convenient way to let people (updating from CVS) informed that there was a
checkin (so they probably want the grab the new version), and removes the
burden of composing a silly mail by hand each time in the same purpose.
/ / _ _ Didier Verna
- / / - / / /_/ / E.N.S.T. INF C201.1 mailto:vernaļ¼ inf.enst.fr
/_/ / /_/ / /__ / 46 rue Barrault Tel. (33) 01 45 81 73 46
75634 Paris cedex 13 Fax. (33) 01 45 81 31 19