>>>> "Andy" == Andy Piper <andyp(a)bea.com>
Andy> There are a number of redisplay bugs like this in 21.4. I'm
Andy> hoping to take a look at them soon.
I reported this problem at least by January of this year, I think
maybe a few months earlier, please check archives. Some workarounds:
(set-face-font 'border-glyph "Andale Mono:Bold:10::Western") ; or
; whatever default font is
(set-face-foreground 'border-glyph "deeppink")
(set-glyph-image continuation-glyph "\\" 'global)
(set-glyph-image hscroll-glyph ">" 'global)
(set-glyph-image truncation-glyph "<" 'global)
(add-spec-to-specifier (face-property 'bold 'font)
"Andale Mono:Bold:10::Western"
'global 'mswindows 'remove-all)
(add-spec-to-specifier (face-property 'bold-italic 'font)
"Andale Mono:Bold Italic:10::Western"
'global 'mswindows 'remove-all)
(add-spec-to-specifier (face-property 'italic 'font)
"Andale Mono:Italic:10::Western"
'global 'mswindows 'remove-all)
(defun xemacs-face-fixup (face fg-light fg-dark pixmap)
(let ((color (if (light-p) fg-light fg-dark)))
(setq color (or color *default-foreground*))
face (set-face-background-pixmap
(vector 'jpeg ':file pixmap) nil (list 'color-pixmap) nil)
;; Yes, I am setting the foreground and background to be the same
;; to work around a bug in XEmacs.
(set-face-foreground face color)
(set-face-background face color)))
Best wishes,
Alexander G. Burchell
Wilshire Associates