"Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]" wrote:
>>>>> "Hans" == Hans Reiser
<reiser(a)idiom.com> writes:
Hans> I use meta-q a lot. emacs, but not xemacs, understands that <p> in
Hans> separates paragraphs. xemacs has a tendency to take an entire html document
Hans> and turn it into one paragraph.
Hans> Any chance of borrowing more emacs code to fix this?
There are several HTML modes both for GNU Emacs and XEmacs. You need
to be more specific as to which ones you're having/not having a
problem with. I also don't have a clue what you mean by "understand".
Cheers =8-} Chipsy
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla
meta-q does not join separate paragraphs. In emacs it interprets <p> as being a
paragraph separator.
I refer to whatever mode you get into when you open fu.html using the sumo package
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